Thursday, April 7, 2011

Day 19: Nicknames I have; why I have them

Before I met Spencer everyone in my college years knew me as Estevan! I think half of my friends and singles ward didn't even know my real name! When I first moved into my Ogden house we were at a party and watching the baseball world series. For some reason no one could remember my name and Estevan Leuiza was up to bat, someone decided to call me Estevan and it just stuck! (I actually kind of miss that name!) 

  My whole life most people have shortened my name and just call me Lisa. I don't mind being called Lisa, but I have an aunt and friend named Lisa and i just prefer my full name! Spencer's little nickname for me is Eliss. (he pronounces it like ellis island) Some of Spencer's family call me Eli, and most of my family call me 'lees. Pretty much I'll answer to anything now days! please don't call me Alyssa!

1 comment:

  1. Everyone member of my family butcher your name everytime they say it. I am constantly correcting them. I have to admit I wasn't sure how you pronounced your name and I would always forget when someone would remind me. I made a point not to have to call you by your name when TJ and I first started dating. I finally got the hang of it though:)
